Tilda Publishing

Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing Tilda! Our mission is to create clear and accessible tools so that anyone could create their own projects on the Internet.

To use Tilda services, you should read the Terms of Service and accept it. It describes all the rights and obligations of Tilda and the User. The document consists of the following sections:


Terms and Definitions

Registration and Account

Platform and Services

Terms of Use


Prohibited Actions and Requirements for Content

Blocking and Restricting Access

Plans and Billing

Personal Data

Intellectual Property

Liability, Warranties and Representations

Term and Termination



You should also read the Privacy Policy. This document explains what personal data of Users is collected and stored on the Platform, for what purposes it can be used and in what cases it can be transferred to third parties.

Please note that it is not allowed to post prohibited content or carry out other prohibited actions on the Platform.

If you have any legal questions, please write to us: legal@tilda.cc

For general and technical questions: team@tilda.cc


This Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) establishes the terms of use of the Tilda Platform and is subject to conclusion between Tilda Platform Cloud Services Co. LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) and the person using the Platform (hereinafter referred to as the User).

This document constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and the Administration, please read it carefully before registering. Among other matters, the Agreement includes the basic rights and obligations for using the Tilda Platform, establishes the ownership of rights, regulates the issues of restricting access to projects created on the Platform and contains provisions on limitation of the Administration’s liability.

Procedure for Accepting the Agreement. To use the Tilda Platform, you should read this Agreement, as well as all the referenced documents (hereinafter referred to as the Applicable Documents), before registration. The Applicable Documents are an integral part of the Agreement. In the text of this document, the Agreement means both the Agreement itself and the Applicable Documents, unless otherwise follows from the meaning of the relevant provision.

By clicking the "Sign up" button, the User agrees to the terms of the Agreement, which is recognized as acceptance of the offer and the conclusion of an agreement giving rise to the User’s obligation to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

Acceptance of this Agreement is permitted only in full; acceptance of the Agreement with exceptions and/or partially is not permitted.

In any case, by using the Platform, the User expresses their full and unconditional agreement to all the provisions of the Agreement.

Legal Capacity of the User. The Platform is not intended for and may not be used by minors under the age of 14. By registering, the User guarantees that they are 14 years of age or older.

In addition, if the User is under 18 years of age, they warrant that they have obtained the consent of their legal representative to the terms of the Agreement, if such consent is required in accordance with the applicable laws.

User’s Location. This Agreement applies exclusively to the Users whose primary location is the territory of any state except Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. If the user’s primary location is the territory of exempted states mentioned, then such user may use the Tilda Platform located on the website tilda.ru — for the Users from Russia; tilda.kz — for the Users from Kazakhstan; tilda.by — for the Users from Belarus.

Terms and Definitions

Platform — a software package located on the Internet at https://tilda.cc/, which includes a set of computer programs, databases, design layouts, logos, texts, Libraries, Blocks, Templates and is intended for creation of Projects and their publication by the Users.

Account — the User’s account on the Platform.

Website — a website created by the User using the Platform features.

Email — a Email for distribution created by the User using the Platform features.

Project — Website and/or Email.

Personal Account — a section of the Platform, using which the User can implement the Platform features, including creating Projects and publishing them on the Internet.

Block — a ready-to-use element for creating Projects.

Template — a ready-to-use set of Blocks for creating Projects.

Library — a database with Blocks and Templates that is an integral part of the Platform.

Content — information, documents, images, texts, graphics, videos and other objects posted by the User on the Project.

Services — related services provided by the Administration to the User in accordance with the Agreement.

Plan — the scope of rights and Services provided to the User.

For the purposes of the Agreement, other terms are also used, the meaning of which is determined by the Administration directly in the text of the Agreement. If there is no definition of a term in the text of the Agreement, you should be guided by the interpretation of the term determined: first of all — by the applicable legislation, secondly — on the Platform, then — as established (commonly used) on the Internet.

1. Registration and Account

1.1. Registration. To use the Platform, the User should register on the Platform at https://tilda.cc/registration/.

To register, the User should indicate their name, email address, which will subsequently be used as a login for authorization in the Account, specify a password and click the "Sign up" button, after which the User is deemed registered.

A link will be sent to the specified email address of the User to verify the specified email address and complete the registration process.

When registering, as well as during further use of the Platform, the User is obliged to provide the Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information.

The User shall confirm the accuracy and relevance of the email address specified when registering on the Platform. If the Administration sends any notices or messages related to the use of the Platform to the specified email address, they are considered to have been properly delivered to the User.

1.2. Account and Personal Account. After registration, the User receives a unique Account and access to the Personal Account. In the Personal Account, the User may change and indicate additional data, create Projects and perform other actions provided for by the current set of features of the Personal Account.

All actions performed in the Account are considered to be performed by the User personally.

The User is solely responsible for:

1) the confidentiality of their login and password;

2) consequences in case of loss and/or disclosure of the login and password to third parties.

The Administration does not recommend that the User transfer their Account data to third parties. In case of transfer of the Account data, the User shall familiarize third parties with the Agreement and bear full responsibility for their actions as if they are their own.

For the purposes of the Agreement, the Administration will consider the owner of the Account to be the person whose email address is indicated in the Personal Account as the owner of the Account.

In the event of a dispute regarding ownership of the Account, the Administration has the right to independently determine the ownership of the Account at its own reasonable discretion. The Administration has the right to request additional documents and information that may help to establish ownership of the Account.

If it is impossible to identify the owner of the Account, the Administration reserves the right not to establish the ownership of the Account and/or to block the Account until the parties disputing such ownership reach an agreement, or until the corresponding court decision comes into force.

If the User loses the login and/or password from their Account, or in the event of an unauthorized change of the login and/or password by third parties, the User has the right to contact the technical support of the Platform to restore access to the Account, provided that any of the paid Plans were applied to the Account. Access to the Account may be restored subject to the provision of the Administration with information, data and documents requested by the Administration in accordance with the internal rules of the Administration.

The Administration is not obliged to restore access to the Account if the User fails to provide the requested data.

1.3. Account for Corporate Clients. If the User registers and uses the Platform on behalf of a legal entity, then:

1) the term "User" includes the person directly using the Platform, as well as such legal entity;

2) the Registering User represents and warrants that they are an authorized representative of the legal entity, having the authority to enter into the Agreement;

3) the legal entity is a party to the Agreement and has rights and obligations under the Agreement, and the legal entity is responsible for the use of the Platform by other persons associated with the legal entity.

2. Platform and Services

2.1. Subject Matter of the Agreement. Under this Agreement, the Administration:

1) grants to the User, within the framework of a non-exclusive, limited, revocable and non-transferable or non-sublicensable license, valid in the territory of worldwide except territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and during the term of this Agreement, the right to use the Platform by providing remote access in the manner and taking into account restrictions established by the Agreement;

2) provides Services to the User.

The User uses the Platform and the Services in accordance with provisions of the Agreement and the selected Plan, and also pays a fee, unless otherwise provided for by the Plan.

2.2. Platform Features. Using the Platform, the User can create Projects using the current set of features, as well as publish Projects on the Platform. The full list of features is available at the link: https://tilda.cc/en/features/.

In various situations (including, but not limited to, the region of the User’s location, technical malfunctions, distribution of features as part of testing to a limited number of Users), all or some features of the Platform may be unavailable or limited for use by the User. Features are considered as unavailable (limited) for the User if such User cannot use them through the use of the Platform. The use of any technical or software methods to circumvent these restrictions is prohibited. The provisions of this Agreement governing the features of the Platform that are unavailable (limited) for the User do not apply until such features become available to the User through the use of the Platform.

2.3. Administration Services for Publishing Projects on the Platform. Under this Agreement, the Administration provides the User with the Services for publishing Projects on the Platform, within the framework of which the Administration ensures placement of the Project on the Internet, and also provides a third-level subdomain of the "__.tilda.ws" format.

The Administration does not make any guarantees regarding the operability of the technical infrastructure necessary for publishing the Project on the Platform; however, it takes all reasonable actions that it considers necessary to ensure the reliability of the Platform features and the possibility of data recovery after failures, including use of technologies for data backup and recovery, as well as geo-reservation — storing backup copies using geographically distributed data centers provided by service providers. The User assumes any risks associated with interruptions in the operation of the Project and loss of Content.

The Administration has the right to refuse to provide the User with the Service for publishing the Project on the Platform if the Project creates a high load on the technical infrastructure and/or interferes with the stable operation of the Platform, and/or creates any kind of threat to the Platform, including those entailing negative consequences in one way or another for the Platform and/or the Administration.

The subdomain address is generated automatically by the Platform. The User has the right to change the subdomain address in the Personal Account.

The Administration does not guarantee that the User will retain the subdomain address and has the right to withdraw it unilaterally.

The Administration is not a hosting provider within the meaning of the applicable laws. The computing power necessary to host the Websites on the Internet is provided by the Administration’s partners, which are hosting providers.

2.4. Collaborators Feature. The User may provide access to Projects to third parties (employees, contractors) who have a registered Account on the Platform for joint work on Projects. The level of access of such a third party to the User’s Projects is established by the User based on the proposed Platform features.

The provision of Collaborators feature is carried out by the Administration on the basis of payment by the User for the right to use the Platform within the framework of Collaborators feature.

The User is solely responsible for the actions of third parties carried out by them in relation to the User’s Projects within the framework of the Collaborators feature.

2.5. Transferring the Project to Another Account. The User has the right to transfer the entire Project or certain pages of the Website from their Account to the Account of a third party using the appropriate feature of the Platform.

Confirmation by a third party of the transfer of the Project to their Account means that such Project will be completely transferred to their Account without the possibility of return, unless the owner of the Account on which the transferred Project originally resided initiates the reverse transfer of the Project at their discretion, and in this case, the Administration is entitled to carry out the reverse transfer of the Project to the original Account if the Administration establishes misconduct by the individual to whose Account the Project was transferred.

The User is solely responsible for transferring the Project or individual pages of the Website to a third-party Account.

2.6. Rights of the Administration in Relation to the Platform. In addition to other rights of the Administration specified in the Agreement, the Administration also has the right to:

1) at any time, change, refine, modify and update the Platform (including changing the set of features, appearance and operating logic) without the consent and notification of the User;

2) establish any restrictions (temporary or permanent) on the use of the Platform;

3) carry out preventive work leading to the suspension of the Platform in whole or in part;

4) receive limited and fixed by the Administration access to the User’s Account to monitor the operation of the Platform;

5) provide the User with the opportunity to use new features of the Platform, launched as part of testing on a limited number of Users, subject to the User’s consent provided through the use of the Personal Account. The User, by providing such consent, understands and agrees that new features of the Platform may not work or may have errors;

2.7. Rights of the Administration to Communicate with the User. The Administration has the right to send the User, via e-mail used for authorization on the Platform, exclusively informational and technical materials, notices and messages related to the use of the Platform or updates on the Platform.

In some cases, sending of the above messages may be qualified under the applicable laws as sending of advertising messages. By entering into this Agreement, the User agrees to receive such messages.

The User has the right at any time to refuse to receive advertising messages in the Personal Account or by following the instructions specified in the received message.

3. Terms of Use

3.1. General Terms of Use. The User has the right to use the Platform in the manner established by this Agreement, the Applicable Documents, as well as the applicable laws. The User has no right to use the Platform, as well as the components of the Platform, in ways not expressly provided for in the Agreement.

The Administration has the right, but is not obliged, to provide consulting, legal and/or technical support to the User.

3.2. "Made on Tilda" Label. Unless otherwise provided for by the relevant Plan, the User is obliged to place the "Made on Tilda" label on their Projects.

The Administration has the right to independently place the "Made on Tilda" label on Projects in the event of its absence and in the event that its absence is not provided for by the relevant current Plan.

3.3. Third-Party Services. As part of the use of the Platform, the User may be offered for use (connection) third-party services and resources (hereinafter referred to as the Third-Party Services), including, but not limited to, analytics services, acceptors of data, payments, mailings, image banks, domain name purchases. The use of such Third-Party Services is carried out on the basis of the relevant agreements of the owners of such Third-Party Services, which the User should read before using them.

Links to agreements for certain Third-Party Services are provided in the Agreement or the Applicable Documents. In other cases, the User is obliged to independently read the agreements of Third-Party Services available on the Internet.

The Administration is not responsible for performance and correct operation of Third-Party Services. The Administration is not obliged to verify the legality of the activities of Third-Party Services; the User independently bears the risks associated with the use of Third-Party Services.

3.4. Terms of Use of Images and Fonts. When using images posted in the Personal Account in the "Image Library" section, the User, in addition to provisions of this Agreement, shall also be guided by provisions of the Terms of Use of Images.

When using icons located on the link , the User, in addition to provisions of this Agreement, shall also be guided by provisions of the License Agreement for the Use of Free Icons.

When using fonts from the built-in collection, the User, in addition to provisions of this Agreement, shall also be guided by provisions of the Terms of Use of Fonts.

When creating a Project, the User shall replace images, icons, texts located in Blocks and Templates. These objects are used for demonstration purposes only. The use of objects as Content in Projects is possible only if the User reaches appropriate agreements with the copyright holders of such objects.

3.5. AI Assistant Terms Of Use. A feature for generating text content using artificial intelligence "AI Assistant" is available on the Platform. When using this feature, the User, in addition to this Agreement, shall also be guided by the AI Assistant Terms Of Use.

3.6. Tilda Feeds Service User Agreement. When using the Feeds feature of the Platform, the User, in addition to this Agreement, shall also be guided by provisions of the Feeds Function Terms of Use.

4. Export

The User has the right to copy the Project’s program code only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

1) the possibility of copying is provided for in the relevant Plan;

2) copying is carried out using the Platform’s feature for exporting the Project’s program code;

3) the Personal Account indicates a reliable domain name on which the Project will be located after export.

If the possibility of export is provided for in the relevant Plan, then the Administration, within the framework of the Agreement and the corresponding Plan, provides the User with additional rights in relation to the Platform, namely, the right to copy and reproduce the Project’s program code on a third-party resource, subject to the conditions and restrictions established by the Agreement.

The User does not have the right to:

1) replicate and/or distribute the exported program code of the Project;

2) use the exported program code of the Project to create and/or change the Project outside the Platform;

3) make changes to the program code of the Project outside the Platform. The exception is the case of entering own program code to add certain components of the website: header (website header) at the beginning and footer (website footer) at the end, subject to integration with an existing Project via the API;

4) place the exported program code of the Project on a domain name other than that indicated in the User’s Personal Account.

The User has no right to export and use the Library elements (Blocks and Templates) separately from the Project.

5. Prohibited Actions and Requirements for Content

5.1. Prohibited Actions and Requirements for Content. While using the Platform, the User is prohibited from carrying out the actions specified in this Agreement, as well as posting prohibited Content.

The general principles of the established prohibitions and restrictions are respect for the rights of other Users, the Administration and third parties, compliance with the legal requirements, and inadmissibility of fraudulent and dishonest activities.

The list of prohibitions and restrictions specified in the Agreement is not exhaustive. In certain cases, the actions of the Users and/or the posted Content may be considered as inconsistent with the general principles of good faith and morality, as well as the principles and norms of the applicable laws, at the discretion of the Administration.

5.2. General Prohibited Actions. By using the Platform, the User is prohibited from performing actions that are illegal under the provisions of the applicable laws. The User has no right to assist in any actions aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions established by the Agreement.

5.3. Prohibitions and Restrictions Related to Rights to the Platform. While using the Platform, the User is prohibited to:

1) use the Platform and its components by any means and for any purposes not expressly permitted by the Agreement;

2) copy, reproduce, modify, make available to the public, broadcast or in any other way use the Platform and its components, unless otherwise provided for by the Agreement;

3) without consent, use trademarks, means of individualization, other distinctive marks and logos of the Administration (including in the Content, domain name of Projects);

4) decompile or disassemble the Platform and its component parts.

5.4. Prohibitions and Restrictions Related to Rights to the Projects.

As part of the creation and use of Projects, the User is prohibited to:

1) copy, reproduce, modify, make available to the public, broadcast or in any other way use the created Projects outside the Platform, unless otherwise provided for by the Agreement (for example, export provisions);

2) remove the "Made on Tilda" label from the Website, unless otherwise provided for by the Plan, as well as carry out any actions to hide the specified identifier, including using CSS code;

3) copy the program code of the Emails, except for the cases when the program code is posted in mailing services;

4) export the Website in violation of the terms and requirements of the Agreement.

5.5. Technical Prohibitions and Restrictions. The User is prohibited to:

1) make attempts to circumvent any technical restrictions established by the Administration on the Platform;

2) use the Account as a transfer to bypass the Plan restrictions, including, but not limited to, for the purpose of generating income and/or exporting the Website transferred to such a transfer Account;

3) change the domain name, copy and/or transfer the Project or Content to another Account in order to bypass the established restriction or blocking;

4) use the Website (including exported), the Blocks and/or the Platform Templates in any way after deleting the Account.

5.6. Prohibitions and Restrictions on Activities Carried out on Projects. The User is prohibited from using the Platform and creating Projects for the purpose of carrying out activity that:

1) is illegal under the applicable laws;

2) requires obtaining any licenses, permits or approvals, without obtaining them, including, but not limited to, the provision of banking, credit or other financial services, medical services;

3) is acceptable only if certain documentation and/or information is posted on the Project in accordance with the applicable laws, without posting them;

4) violates the intellectual property rights of third parties, including, but not limited to, copyright and related rights, exclusive rights to means of individualization, patent rights;

5) is based on illegal processing (including collection, storage, distribution) of personal data of third parties or doxxing (publication of data about an individual without their consent);

6) is fraudulent, aimed at misleading third parties, phishing;

7) constitutes sending of illegal advertising and/or spam, is based solely on placement of links to third-party resources and/or redirection to third-party resources;

8) is distribution of malicious software designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of computer or telecommunications equipment, as well as gaining unauthorized access to software products and resources, including by providing serial numbers of logins, passwords, programs for their generation;

9) is aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Platform, including by placing elements that impede the exchange of information in real time, opening additional browser windows, replacing elements of the Platform interface.

5.7. General Requirements for Content. Using the Platform, the User does not have the right to create, publish, distribute, store and transmit the Content that does not comply with the requirements of the Agreement and/or is illegal under the provisions of the applicable laws and/or declared illegal by a court or competent governmental authority within any jurisdiction, and which is an element of implementation of activities or actions prohibited by this Agreement.

5.8. Violence, Dangerous and Cruel Content. The Platform prohibits the Content that:

1) contains images of violence and cruelty;

2) contains public calls to commit illegal activities and/or riots;

3) is aimed at carrying out and/or supporting terrorist activities, organized crime, activities of extremist organizations, as well as other persons inciting hatred and enmity;

4) promotes fanaticism in religious, philosophical and other areas;

5) promotes hatred and/or discrimination, contains offensive statements regarding race, ethnicity, gender, personal characteristics, abilities, sexual orientation, or appearance;

6) informs about methods of committing suicide, calls for committing suicide;

7) incites cruel and/or inhumane treatment of animals;

8) is aimed at promoting consumption of alcohol, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, smoking tobacco or consumption of nicotine-containing products;

9) is capable of causing harm to the emotional or physical health of minors.

5.9. Unethical Content. The Platform prohibits the Content that:

1) violates generally accepted rules of decency and moral and ethical standards;

2) contains obscenities, vulgarisms or other offensive materials;

3) is published without age restrictions in cases where the establishment of such restrictions is mandatory in accordance with the applicable laws;

4) contains explicit or pornographic materials (including those involving minors), including intimate videos, images of a person’s naked body (genitals), sexual violence, sexual intercourse;

5) encourages or contains advertising of sexually explicit services, erotic spa services, or other similar offers.

5.10. Political Content. The Platform prohibits the Content that:

1) contains negative or critical statements, calls for violence against political and public figures, government bodies, public associations, political parties, organizations or movements, as well as individual candidates;

2) may be perceived as propaganda of political views, except for cases where the Content contains exclusively general information materials about the activities of government bodies, public associations, political parties, organizations or movements, their structure and features;

3) is political advertising, promotion of political parties or individual candidates, election campaigning.

5.11. Fraud and Spam. The Platform prohibits the Content that:

1) is aimed at committing fraudulent or other illegal actions (including actions committed by impersonating another person);

2) does not correspond to reality regarding its involvement with the Administration, its affiliates and partners;

3) is an offer to participate in financial pyramids, multi-level (network) marketing (MLM), Internet earnings systems, online businesses and other forms of quick enrichment;

4) is aimed solely at redirecting the to third-party websites or resources;

5) is the distribution of any type of spam, including, but not limited to, false hoaxes, messages of social or religious-mystical content with a call for further distribution of such messages ("chain emails"), a list of other people’s email addresses, as well as referral links;

6) is aimed at phishing, stealing login data, financial or other information;

7) is aimed at disseminating information about ways to visit resources to which access is limited (including by the applicable laws).

5.12. Prohibited Commercial Activities. Content is prohibited on the Platform, the creation, publication, distribution, storage and transmission of which is carried out for the purposes of:

1) trade, as well as placing offers for assistance in the acquisition of goods restricted by law for circulation, without the appropriate licenses (permits) required in accordance with the applicable laws;

2) retail trade by remote means in goods prohibited for sale in this way;

3) placing links to sites with online gambling, non-gambling online games, other games for real money, lotteries and online lotteries, providing information about gambling, as well as ability to download programs for electronic computers that allow you to participate in an online gambling game, a non-gambling online game or an online lottery;

4) providing banking, credit or other financial services without the appropriate licenses (permits) required in accordance with the applicable laws;

5) providing medical services without the appropriate licenses (permits) required in accordance with the applicable laws;

6) placing information prohibited by the applicable laws about the ways, methods of production and use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors, narcotic plants, places of purchase, prices and methods of obtaining them;

7) placing offers for purchase/sale of fly agarics and microdosing of mushrooms, nitrous oxide;

8) retail trade in copies/replicas of original goods;

9) placing offers for purchase/sale of modified water, electricity, gas meters, as well as means and methods for distorting and changing their readings;

10) purchase and sale of magnetic license plates/frames for state registration numbers of vehicles;

11) acquisition and sale of counterfeit documents, production of counterfeit money and securities;

12) purchasing and selling animals, including endangered species, parts of their bodies, placing proposals for poaching;

13) implicit (hidden) advertising of goods and services prohibited by the Agreement, the Applicable Documents, provisions of national, supranational, and/or international law.

5.13. Content that Violates the Rights of Third Parties. The Platform prohibits the Content that:

1) is a disclosure of information (including commercial, tax or banking secrets), access to which is limited by the applicable laws;

2) violates the rights of personal data subjects;

3) harms the honor, dignity and business reputation of third parties;

4) is an insult to a specific person or dissemination of defamatory information;

5) violates personal non-property rights of third parties, including the right to privacy, the right to confidentiality of correspondence;

6) violates intellectual rights of third parties, including, but not limited to, copyright and related rights, exclusive rights to means of individualization, patent rights.

5.14. User's Responsibilities to Determine Admissibility. The User is obliged to independently determine the legality and admissibility of posting the Content and creating the Projects in accordance with the Agreement.

If the Project involves conduct of any activity, including any commercial and entrepreneurial activity, the User is obliged to independently determine the legality of such activity and its compliance with the requirements of the Agreement.

If there are doubts regarding the legality and admissibility of certain actions, including posting information or providing access, the Administration recommends contacting legal consultants or refraining from taking such actions.

The Administration is not obliged to moderate or censor Content and Projects. The Administration is not obliged to provide any legal advice regarding the legality and admissibility of Content and Projects on the Platform.

5.15. Rights of the Administration Regarding Determination of Violations. The Administration has the right to independently and at its own discretion determine the existence of violations of this Agreement.

In the event of reasonable suspicions, determined by the Administration at its discretion, regarding the User’s violation of this Agreement, the Administration is entitled, but not obliged, to analyze the User’s Projects and Content, send the User notices of violations, demand elimination of violations within a specified period, request from the User any clarifications, information and documentation that, in the opinion of the Administration, can serve as evidence of admissibility or inadmissibility of the Content, the Project and the User’s actions in using the Platform.

6. Blocking and Restricting Access

6.1. General Provisions on Administrative Response Measures. In case of violation or reasonable suspicion of the Administration that the User has violated the provisions of this Agreement or the provisions of the applicable laws, the Administration has the right to immediately take administrative response measures aimed at stopping existing violations and preventing possible violations in the future.

In cases established by the applicable laws, the Administration is obliged to take administrative response measures.

Administrative response measures are:

1) restriction of publication of the Project;

2) restriction of publication of all Projects in the Account;

3) Project blocking;

4) Account blocking.

Administrative response measures may be taken based on:

1) complaints from third parties;

2) requirements of competent government bodies;

3) monitoring carried out by the Administration.

The Administration independently determines the administrative response measure to be applied, as well as, if applicable, the duration of application of such a measure, depending on the severity of the violation, the frequency of violations and the severity of the situation, determined unilaterally by the Administration at its own discretion. The Administration also has the right to change the administrative response measure applied to the User in relation to a specific violation.

6.2. Applying Restrictions on Publishing a Project or All Projects in the Account. The Administration has the right to apply a restriction on the publication of a Project / all Projects in the Account, which is expressed in the impossibility of displaying the Project on the Internet, while the User retains access to the Personal Account and the Project for the purpose of making adjustments and corrections necessary to remove the specified administrative response measure.

6.3. Project Blocking. The Administration has the right to block a Project, which results in the inability to access the Project posted on the Platform, as well as the inability to display the Project on the Internet, while the User still has access to the Personal Account.

6.4. Account Blocking. The Administration has the right to completely block the User’s Account, which results in the inability to use the Personal Account and the Platform as a whole, while all User’s Projects automatically cease to be displayed on the Internet.

6.5. Notifying the User about the Measures Taken. In case of application of administrative response measures, the Administration is entitled, but not obliged to notifiy the User of:

1) the applied administrative response measure;

2) the original period for which the measure was applied, if applicable;

3) the reasons for applying the administrative response measure;

4) actions that the User needs to take to remove the applied administrative response measure, if applicable;

5) the possible consequences of the User’s failure to carry out these actions, if applicable.

The Administration notifies the User of the measures taken by email used for authorization on the Platform. If there is no response from the User, the Administration is entitled, but not obliged, to notify the User via other available contacts, including those indicated on the User’s Project.

The User is solely responsible for the risk of negative consequences in case of failure to read the sent notices.

6.6. Elimination of Violations by the User. After receiving a notice from the Administration of the administrative response measures taken, the User shall take all possible actions necessary to eliminate the violation as soon as possible, but, in any case, within a period not exceeding the period established by the Administration to eliminate the violation and notify the Administration thereof.

6.7. Features of Eliminating Certain Violations. The User understands and acknowledges that in relation to certain violations, the Administration cannot establish the fact that these violations have been eliminated.

In the event that administrative response measures are applied in connection with the receipt of justified complaints from third parties about the violation of their rights by the User, administrative response measures can only be lifted if the Administration has received a written notice from the complainant that the controversial situation has been resolved and there are no complaints from the complainant.

In case of receipt of requirements from the competent government bodies, the removal of administrative response measures is not carried out without the Administration receiving an official notice from the above government bodies that there are no claims or demands against the User or their Projects posted on the Platform.

6.8. Consequences of Project or Account Blocking. Blocking a Project or Account may lead to the loss of Content, as well as the loss of other information posted on the Project. The Administration is not responsible for such loss.

The Administration is not obliged to save or backup the Content or Project. The Administration is not obliged to provide the User with backup copies of the Content or Project.

7. Plans and Billings

7.1. Free Plan. The User has the right to use the Platform with certain restrictions free of charge. The current list of features of the free Plan is indicated at the link.

The Administration is entitled, but not obliged, to provide expanded capabilities of the Platform, including those provided for by paid Plans, for a trial period in accordance with the marketing activities carried out by the Administration. After the end of the trial period, the User is obliged to either switch to any paid Plan or switch to using a free Plan.

7.2. Paid Plans. Advanced features are available to the Users, for example, such as providing additional Blocks and Templates, providing the ability to create more Websites, increasing the number of pages on one Website. Provision of advanced features is carried out on the basis of payment by the User for the corresponding Plan.

The current list of existing Plans, as well as the description of the differences in the features of the Plans and the validity periods of the Plans, are available in the Personal Account in the "Plans and Billing" tab.

When paying by credit card, a Paid Plan is activated within a few minutes (in rare cases, up to twelve hours) from the payment receipt.

Failure to use the Plan by the User does not relieve the User of the obligation to pay for it.

7.3. Changes in Plan Conditions. The Administration has the right at any time, unilaterally, without prior notice to the User, to change the terms of Plans, as well as the set of features available under the relevant Plan. Changes are published in the Personal Account in the "Plans and Billing" tab.

The amended terms apply to the User at the moment the User’s paid Plan expires, or, if the User did not have a paid Plan at the time of publication of the modified Plan terms, the changes apply from the moment the modified terms are published.

7.4. Plan Increase and Decrease. If the User wishes to use the Platform features that is not available to the User on their current Plan, the User may purchase a different Plan by paying the full cost of such Plan.

Refunds for the current Plan paid are not provided by the Administration.

In case of a Plan increase, unused days of the previous Plan are automatically recalculated at the price of the new Plan and added to the validity period of the new Plan.

It is not possible to decrease the current Plan. If the User wishes to decrease their current Plan, the User should wait until the current Plan expires and, after its expiration, pay the Plan of their choice or switch to a free Plan.

7.5. General Payment Procedure. To purchase the Plan, the User should pay the cost of the Plan in full in accordance with the proposed payment methods on the Platform. The payment date is the date the funds are credited to the Administration’s current account. Payment obligations are considered unfulfilled in the event of a return of funds at the request of the payment organization.

7.6. Payment by a Bank Card, Using a Payment Application or Payment System. The User can pay for the Plan by using a bank card, payment application or payment system, unless otherwise provided for by the current set of payment methods on the Platform.

When specifying their data, the User confirms and guarantees that they have provided accurate and complete information about the bank card issued in their name, or other information depending on the chosen payment method; compliance with the rules of international payment systems and the requirements of the issuing bank that issued the bank card, including with regard to the procedure for conducting non-cash payments.

The Administration reserves the right at any time to require the User to confirm the data specified by him/her when establishing a payment method, and to request in this regard supporting documents, failure to provide which may be equated to the provision of false information and result in restriction of the User’s access to using the Platform.

The Administration does not have access to the data specified by the User in the service of the authorized operator for accepting payments (except for the masked card number), and is not responsible for the safety and confidentiality of the transmitted data when making payments.

Payment acceptance is carried out with the participation of an authorized payment acceptance operator, or an electronic money operator, or other participants in settlements, information and technological interaction, and is regulated by the rules of international payment systems, banks (including the issuing bank of a bank card) and other participants in settlements. With regard to other issues not established by the Agreement, the User should be guided by provisions of the agreements provided by the relevant settlement participants.

The Administration is not responsible for the correctness of data entry and other actions of the User regarding payment, as well as for the correctness of transactions between settlement participants.

If payment is made in the manner established by this section of the Agreement, a payment confirmation is sent to the email address specified by the User.

7.7. Auto-Payment. Upon expiration of the Plan, provided that it was paid in the manner specified in clause 7.6. of the Agreement, the Plan is automatically extended for the similar term in accordance with the terms of the current Plans.

When paying the Plan for the first time, the User agrees that the Administration is authorized to charge a fee from the User’s bank card to implement the auto-payment feature. Payments are collected using the recurring payments feature of the corresponding payment solution used by the Administration.

The User has the right to cancel the auto-payment feature by using the corresponding feature of the Platform or by notifying the Administration of the reluctance to renew the paid Plan not later than three calendar days before the end of its validity period by sending a corresponding message to the email address team@tilda.cc.

7.8. Plan Cost. The current cost of the Plan is indicated in the Personal Account in the "Plans and Billing" tab. The cost of the Plan includes the amount of the license fee paid by the User for the granted right to use the Platform and the cost of the Services provided under the Agreement.

The cost of the Plan includes applicable taxes and charges. If the User anticipates potential VAT liability on payments made by them, the Administration recommends that they seek advice from a tax consultant or accountant to independently account for VAT in the User's VAT return under the reverse charge scheme at the applicable VAT rate in the User's jurisdiction.

7.9. Refunds. Funds paid by the User are not subject to return by the Administration from the moment the corresponding Plan is activated for the User, due to the fact that from the moment the Plan is activated, the right to use the Platform is deemed granted.

In cases determined by the Administration at its discretion, the Administration may refund funds in full or in part.

7.10. Purchasing Rights for Collaborators. To use the Collaborators feature, the User is required to pay a license fee for granting the right to use the Platform accordingly. The specified license fee is not included in the price of the Plan and is paid by the User separately.

The amount of the license fee for granting the right to use the Platform within the framework of Collaborators feature, as well as the conditions for using such a feature, are indicated in the Personal Account, in the "Collaborators" tab of the "Site Settings" section.

The license fee includes applicable taxes and charges. If the User anticipates potential VAT liability on payments made by them, the Administration recommends that they seek advice from a tax consultant or accountant to independently account for VAT in the User's VAT return under the reverse charge scheme at the applicable VAT rate in the User's jurisdiction.

The provisions of the Agreement regarding payment for Plans are applicable to the acquisition of rights for Collaborators feature, unless otherwise directly follows from this Agreement and up-to-date information in the Personal Account.

8. Personal Data

As part of registration, use of the Platform, downloading the Content and performance of the Agreement, the User may provide the Administration with their personal data and personal data of third parties. The processing of the provided personal data is carried out by the Administration in accordance with the Privacy Policy, to the terms of which the User agrees by accepting this Agreement.

When registering on behalf of a legal entity, the User confirms that they have all the necessary legal grounds for transferring and/or entrusting the processing of all personal data affected by the interaction between the User and the Platform to the Administration, and also that all subjects of personal data whose personal data are transferred to the Administration by the User are properly notified of such transfer and/or assignment of processing of their personal data.

If the User’s Projects process personal data of individuals, the Administration processes such personal data, acting on behalf of the User in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

9. Intellectual Property
9.1. Rights to the Platform. The Platform, including all its constituent elements (program code (including html code), software, databases, design layouts, logos, trademarks, texts, Libraries, Blocks and Templates, etc.), except for Services of third parties, is provided to the Administration under a license from the copyright holder of the Platform, who has all exclusive rights in relation to the Platform and all its elements

The Administration represents and guarantees that it has all the necessary rights to provide the User with a non-exclusive license to use the Platform in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

The non-exclusive license granted under this Agreement is limited to the "right to use through remote access", and none of the provisions of the Agreement means transfer (alienation) to the User of the exclusive right to the Platform and its component parts. All rights to the Platform and its component parts not expressly granted to the User under this Agreement remain with the owner of the Platform.

No provisions of the Agreement grant the User the right to use the company name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Administration. The right to use a company name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs and means of individualization of the Administration may be granted exclusively by written consent.

The use of the Platform and its component parts by any means and for any purposes not expressly permitted by the Agreement is prohibited. The Platform and its component parts may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any purpose.

The rights to use the Platform granted to the User under this Agreement are not subject to sublicensing to third parties.

9.2. User’s Content. The User, by uploading (adding) Content to the Platform, provides the Administration, its affiliates and partners with a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, valid throughout the world and during the term of the Agreement, as well as for three years after its termination, license to use the Content by any ways necessary to provide the User with the features of the Platform and the Services.

By uploading (adding) Content to the Platform, the User represents and warrants that:

1) the Content and its use by the Administration does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including, but not limited to, rights to means of individualization, patent rights, copyright and related rights;

2) the User has received all rights, consents and permissions from the copyright holders of the downloaded Content necessary for downloading and using the Content on the Platform.

The rights to design elements created by the User in the editor built into the Platform (Zero Block) belong to the User, while the Block itself, including the program code (html code), belongs to the Administration. The User has the right to use the created design elements outside the Platform only if the program code is replaced, or as part of the export of the Project in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

9.3. Rights to the Projects. Exclusive rights to the Content added by the User to the Project belong to the User (or the corresponding right holders of such Content). Exclusive rights to the program code and layout that form the technological basis of the Project (Website), except for the User’s Content, belong to the Administration.

Unless otherwise provided for by this Agreement, the User has no right to copy, reproduce, publish, modify, make available to the public, broadcast or in any other way use the created Projects outside the Platform.

The User has the right to copy the program code of Emails for posting in mailing services.

9.4. Third-Party Intellectual Property. Objects owned by third parties, particularly the objects included in the image library and font library, are available for use on the Platform.

Use of such items must be subject to the provisions of the Agreement on the Terms of Use of Images and the Terms of Use of Fonts respectively.

9.5. For Right Holders. The Administration respects the intellectual property of third parties. If you are a right holder (or a representative of a right holder) of an intellectual property object that, in your opinion, is illegally posted on the Platform or Project, and such posting is a violation of your rights or legitimate interests, please submit a complaint in accordance with the Intellectual Property Protection Policy.

10. Liability, Warranties and Representations

10.1. Provision of the Platform and the Services by the Administration. The Platform, its constituent elements, as well as the Services are provided to the User in an "as is" condition. The User assumes all risks associated with the use of the Platform and the Services.

10.2. Lack of Warranties and Representations from the Administration. The Administration does not warrant and represents that:

1) the Platform, its constituent elements, as well as the Services will meet the subjective expectations and requirements of the User;

2) use of the Platform and use of the Services will proceed continuously, quickly, without technical failures, reliably and without errors;

3) the results of the User’s use of the Platform will be error-free;

4) the Platform and Services will be available and usable 24 hours a day, at any given time or for any period of time;

5) use of the Platform will be safe and secure and that the Platform is free of viruses;

6) errors in the Platform features will be eliminated;

7) use of the Platform is legal and permissible in the territory of any state;

8) Content will not be lost.

The Administration does not provide any other warranties or representations in relation to the Platform, its constituent elements and Services, except for those expressly specified in this Agreement.

10.3. Limitation of the Administration’s Liability to the User. The Administration shall not be liable for temporary interruptions, technical problems and cessation of operation of the Platform, its constituent elements and Services.

The Administration shall not be liable for damages, property losses, direct or indirect damage incurred by the User in connection with the use and/or inability to use the Platform and Services.

The Administration shall not be liable for the User’s lack of access to the Internet, for the quality of services provided by Internet communication providers, or for the quality of telephone services provided by persons with whom the User has entered into agreements on the provision of communication services.

The Administration shall not be liable for harm, property losses and damages caused to the User when using Third Party-Services. The liability of the owner of the Third-Party Service providing the Third-Party Service is determined by the terms of the agreement concluded between the User and the relevant owner of the Third-Party Service and the provisions of the applicable laws.

The Administration shall not be liable for any actions and/or inactivity of providers of services, networks, software or equipment.

The Administration is also shall not be liable for other actions or events if it is expressly stated in this Agreement.

If, in accordance with the applicable laws, the limitation of liability specified in this section of the Agreement is not subject to application, the total liability of the Administration to the User cannot exceed the amount of the cost of the Plan paid by the User and valid during the period of occurrence of events that are the basis for the emergence of liability of the Administration.

10.4. Limitation of the Administration’s liability to Third Parties. Unless otherwise provided for by the applicable laws, the Administration shall not be liable for the Content posted by Users on the Platform or Projects, as well as for the actions of Users on the Platform.

10.5. User’s Liability and Compensation for Losses. The User is solely liable for the Content posted on the Platform. The User warrants and represents that the Content does not violate the rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization, the rights to information constituting a trade secret, does not harm the honor, business reputation and dignity of third parties, and does not violate national and international legislation.

In case of violation of the terms of this Agreement, violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as in case of violation of the requirements of the applicable laws, the User undertakes to protect the Administration and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents from any claims, disputes, demands, obligations, damage, losses and costs.

In the event that a judicial and/or administrative case is initiated against the Administration, a lawsuit is brought, or a claim is made from any other third party due to the User’s violation of the terms of this Agreement, the User is obliged to compensate the Administration for all losses, including, but not limited to, reasonable legal expenses.

10.6. Liability of the User to Third Parties. The User is independently liable to third parties for the Content posted on the Platform and Projects, as well as for the activities carried out by the User on the Projects.

10.7. Force Majeure. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for in the Agreement if this is caused by circumstances of insuperable force (force majeure) resulting from unavoidable circumstances of an emergency nature.

The User has no right to demand compensation and/or repayment for damage caused to him/her as a result of the inability to fulfill obligations due to the occurrence of force majeure.

11. Term and Termination

11.1. Duration of the Agreement. The Agreement is valid from the moment the User accepts its terms in the manner provided for in the Agreement, until the Agreement is terminated at the initiative of the Administration or the User in the manner provided for in the Agreement.

11.2. Termination of the Agreement. In the event of repeated minor violations by the User of the terms of the Agreement or a one-time significant violation determined by the Administration at its discretion, the Administration has the right to unilaterally, out of court, refuse to execute this Agreement.

Unilateral refusal to execute the Agreement at the initiative of the Administration is carried out by sending a notice to the User via email used for authorization on the Platform, as well as by blocking the Account.

The User may terminate the Agreement unilaterally by deleting the Account.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1. Procedure for Amending the Agreement. This Agreement may be changed by the Administration unilaterally by publishing a new version of the Agreement on the Internet. The Administration is entitled, but not obliged, to notify the User of changes to the Agreement.

The User can read the current version of the Agreement here.

Any changes to the Agreement come into force on the day following the day the Agreement is published in the amended version.

The User undertakes to independently check the Agreement for changes. Failure by the User to read the Agreement and/or the amended version of the Agreement cannot serve as a basis for the User’s failure to fulfill their obligations and the User’s failure to comply with the restrictions established by the Agreement. By continuing to use the Platform after changes have been made to the Agreement, the User is deemed to have agreed to the changes made.

The User independently bears the risk of adverse consequences caused by the User’s failure to read the amended version of the Agreement.

If the User does not agree with the changes made to the Agreement, the User should immediately stop using the Platform and terminate this Agreement in the prescribed manner.

12.2. Governing Law. This Agreement and the relations between the Administration and the User in connection with this Agreement and the use of the Platform are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof.

At the same time, Projects and Content should also not violate the national legislation of other states, norms of supranational and international legislation.

12.3. Dispute Resolution. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement shall be resolved through correspondence and negotiations using the mandatory pre-trial (claim) procedure, unless otherwise provided for by the applicable laws.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the receipt by the other party of a written claim, consideration of the dispute should be referred by any interested party to the Courts of the Dubai International Financial Centre which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The place of arbitration shall be Dubai, UAE, DIFC freezone, unless otherwise expressly provided for by the applicable laws.

12.4. Assignment. The Administration has the right to assign, in whole or in part, its rights and obligations arising from this Agreement, without obtaining prior consent from the User.

The User does not have the right to assign, in whole or in part, their rights and obligations arising from this Agreement.

12.5. Severability. The invalidity of one or more provisions of the Agreement, recognized in the prescribed manner by a court decision that has entered into legal force, does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole for the Parties. If one or more provisions of the Agreement are recognized as invalid in the prescribed manner, the Parties undertake to fulfill the obligations assumed under the Agreement as close as possible to those implied by the Parties when concluding and/or amending the Agreement in a manner as possible.

12.6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes an agreement between the User and the Administration regarding the procedure for using the Platform and the Services and replaces all previous agreements between the User and the Administration.

12.7. No Waiver. Inactivity on the part of the Administration in the event of a violation by the User of the provisions of the Agreements does not deprive the Administration of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, and also does not mean that the Administration waives its rights in the event of subsequent commission of analogous or similar violations.

12.8. Languages. This Agreement is drawn up in English and Russian languages. In the event of a discrepancy between the English and Russian version of the Agreement, the provisions of the English version shall apply.

12.9. Applicability of the Agreement to Third Parties. To the extent applicable, the provisions of the Agreement also apply to relations regarding the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of actions of Users and/or the Administration.

If a third party believes that any Project or Content violates its rights, such third party should contact the Administration by email legal@tilda.cc or by sending a message through the appropriate form on the Platform.

At the same time, such a third party agrees that the appeal will not lead to any liability or obligation for the Administration to remove the Content or the Project as a whole, and that the Administration, acting at its discretion, can either consider such an appeal and take the necessary actions, or refrain from taking any action or request additional information and documentation.

13. Contacts

Administration’s Details: Tilda Platform Cloud Services Co. LLC, License 1110180, P.O. Box number 450767, Dubai, UAE

User support: team@tilda.cc or feedback form in the Personal Account

For legal issues: legal@tilda.cc

To request financial documents: docs@tilda.cc

The current version of the Terms of Service is dated 30.08.2024

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