Tilda Publishing

Intellectual Property
Protection Policy

We value and respect the intellectual rights of third parties and expect the same from our Users. Among other things, we have established prohibitions and restrictions on the Users’ actions, as well as requirements for the Users’ Content in terms of preventing violation of intellectual property rights in the Terms of Service.

This Intellectual Property Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is an integral part of the Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement). All terms and definitions are used in the Policy in the same meaning as in the applicable Agreement.

In accordance with the Policy, any person who has reasonable grounds to believe that the Content posted on the Platform and/or the actions of any User violates his/her intellectual rights has the right to submit a corresponding enquiry to the Administration.

The Administration promptly responds to incoming allegations of violations of intellectual rights on the Platform. At the same time, the Administration is not authorized to consider disputes regarding the protection of intellectual rights arising between the Users and right holders. The Administration does not act as a mediator, arbitrator, and does not perform the functions of judicial or other government bodies.

1. Procedure for Sending an Enquiry

1.1. Method of Submitting an Enquiry. If the right holder or another person authorized by it has reasonable grounds to believe that the Content posted on the Platform and/or the actions of any User violate its intellectual rights, such person (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) may contact the Administration by means of:

1) filling out the intellectual property enquiry form;

2) sending an enquiry in electronic form (including scanned copies of the paper version of the appeal with signature and seal (if available)) to the email address legal@tilda.cc;

3) sending the enquiry in hard copy with a signature and seal (if any) by post.

1.2. Contents of the Enquiry. The enquiry and its annexes should contain:

1) identification details of the right holder: for legal entities — name, state registration number, registration address, contact details; for individuals — surname, name, patronymic, contact information. If the Applicant is not the right holder, but applies on its behalf — also documents confirming the right to represent the interests of the right holder;

2) detailed description of the intellectual property;

3) documents confirming the existence of intellectual rights: in case of copyright infringement — documents confirming the rights to the result of intellectual activity (for example, work made for hire agreements and proof of completion of work, author’s commissioning agreements, dealer and/or rental certificates, license/sublicense agreements, documents confirming deposit) or other information (for example, links to official websites confirming that the copyright holder has posted the corresponding result of intellectual activity in the public domain); in case of violation of exclusive rights to means of individualization — a document on state registration;

4) a detailed description of the violation of intellectual rights, screenshots of pages of the Website, clearly indicating the misuse of intellectual property;

5) domain name and/or network address (URL) of the Project on the Internet, where intellectual rights are violated. If violations occur on individual pages of the Website, it is necessary to indicate the network addresses (URLs) of all such pages;

6) warranties and representations: "In submitting this enquiry, I have a good faith belief that the content posted by a user of the Platform and/or the actions of a user of the Platform infringe my intellectual property rights. The use of the intellectual property is not authorised by me and/or the rules of applicable law. I hereby certify that I am the right holder of the intellectual property or a person authorized to act on its behalf. I warrant and represent the accuracy of the information contained in the enquiry and its annexes. I agree that falsely accusing the user of the Platform may result in liability as provided for by law. Among other things, I undertake to compensate for all the losses that may arise for the Administration in the event of my violation of the specified warranties and representations";

7) consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of considering the enquiry by the Administration in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

In the case of filling out the intellectual property enquiry form, the Applicant should select the appropriate type of enquiry, enter information in the mandatory fields of the form and, if possible, in all other fields for the most efficient consideration of the enquiry by the Administration.

1.3. Requirements for the Enquiry and Annexes. The Administration considers an enquiry on intellectual rights violation provided that it is sent in accordance with the requirements of this Policy and contains all the necessary information and documents. Unreadable documents, as well as documents that have signs of forgery or falsification, will not be accepted by the Administration for consideration.

1.4. Sending the Enquiry Directly to the User. In order to promptly resolve the issue of violation of intellectual rights on the Platform, the Applicant has the right to independently contact the User using the contact information available on the Project.

1.5. Rights of the Administration Regarding Determination of Violations. Among other things, the Administration is entitled, but not obliged, to independently (without receiving a corresponding enquiry) analyze the Content posted on the Platform and/or actions of the Users for violation of intellectual rights, as well as request clarification, information and documentation, demand elimination of violations and take prompt response measures.

2. Processing the Enquiry

2.1. Establishing the Fact of Violation. Establishing the fact of violation of intellectual rights specified by the Applicant is carried out at the time of receipt of the enquiry by the Administration.

To establish the fact of violation, the Administration has the right to request from the Applicant any additional documents, materials, explanations or clarifications. In particular, if the Applicant is a foreign person and/or provides documents in a foreign language, the Administration has the right to additionally request apostilled documents or their notarized translation.

Consideration of the enquiry is suspended by the Administration until additional requested information is received.

2.2. Informing the User about the Violation. The enquiry for violation of intellectual rights and annexes thereto, with the exception of information containing personal data, are forwarded by the Administration to the User.

As a general rule, the User has not more than three days from the date of sending the enquiry by the Administration to respond and/or eliminate the violation of intellectual rights.

2.3. Taking Administrative Response Measures. In the event of no response and/or failure to eliminate the violation of intellectual rights on the part of the User, the Administration takes administrative measures in accordance with provisions of the Agreement.

2.4. Notification of the Results of Consideration of the Enquiry.

Based on the results of consideration of the enquiry, the Administration notifies the Applicant of the results, including taking of administrative response measures (if they are taken in accordance with provisions of the Agreement).

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