Tilda Publishing

Tilda Feeds Service User Agreement

This Agreement (hereinafter — the "Agreement") is an integral part of the Platform's User Agreement (https://tilda.cc/terms) that regulates the terms and conditions under which the Administration of the Tilda Publishing Platform (https://tilda.cc) (hereinafter — the "Administration,” "Platform Administration") enables its customers (hereinafter — the "User," the "Platform User") to use the "Feeds" feature (hereinafter — "Feeds") to add a feed of posts to their website.
The Administration hereby allows the Platform User to use the "Feeds" feature subject to the following conditions:
1. General Provisions
1.1 By using the "Feeds" feature, the Platform User accepts and agrees to all provisions of this Agreement without any reservations or conditions (acceptance).
1.2. The Platform User is entitled to use the “Feeds” feature in the prescribed manner and in accordance with their intended purpose.
1.3. The User can use “Feeds” to create and edit posts in the dashboard, add images, videos, or galleries to the posts, as well as manage the release date of the post and its SEO settings.
1.4. Detailed information about the possibilities of running a newsfeed, blog, or events using “Feeds” is available at https://tilda.cc/lp/feeds, https://help.tilda.cc/feeds.
2. Restrictions and Limitations
2.1. By activating the "Feeds" feature, the User agrees to the restrictions and limitations on its use as established by this Agreement:

1) It is forbidden to publish content on the User's website with such social and political themes that contradict the Terms of Service Agreement and/or the norms of applicable law.
Information about content prohibited for publication on the User's website is contained in the Terms of Service Agreement.
2) It is forbidden to use the "Feeds" feature for publishing news and/or other information containing socio-political topics.
Such a prohibition should be understood as the publication of any kind of news containing social or political topics, regardless of the reliability of their source and their compliance with the Terms of Service Agreement and/or the norms of applicable law. At the same time, news related to an individual organization, such as a university, charitable foundation, or other legal entity, posted on the official website of such an organization should be understood as news that is allowed for publication using the "Feeds" feature.
3) It is forbidden to use the "Feeds" feature to publish news and/or other information that aims solely to attract traffic and at the same time does not correspond to reality in substance or content and/or is viral content (spam) aimed at wide distribution and attraction of attention of Internet users through the headings of such news that contain, as a rule, false information.
4) The user shall not attempt to bypass the technical limitations on the number of posts per feed which is to be understood as up to 5000 posts per feed.
2.2. Any use of the “Feeds” feature that is listed in the “Restrictions and Limitations” section of this Agreement shall be deemed a violation of the Terms of Service Agreement. The Platform Administration reserves the right to block and/or limit the publication of the website and/or the account of the User who committed the violation.
3. Warranties and Responsibilities
The Platform User declares and warrants that he/she will strictly abide by the provisions of the Terms of Service Agreement and this Agreement and will be solely responsible for the violation of the restrictions and limitations established by this Agreement when using the “Feeds” feature.
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