Tilda Reviews And Testimonials

Every day Tilda website builder helps thousands of businesses and millions of people around the world to stand out with impressive websites. We believe that the best way to understand the platform is to find out the opinions of people who use it, from designers and marketers to startup founders and independent professionals.
When I’m not building for inKind, I’m often building websites and apps for myself and others. I’m passionate about that intersection between design and product, and I find just a lot of fulfillment in releasing a product into the wild and seeing how users engage and interact with it.

Marcus Triest
Head of Product at InKind
Industry: UI/UX Design
Location: US
I wanted to have dedicated space on the web for both my business and my personal brand as I am more than my business, I am more than what I do every day. Having my websites on Tilda really took my brand and its recognition to another level.

Angela Hollowell
Founder, Visual Storyteller
Industry: Video Production
Location: US
Angela Hollowell
I needed a solution to develop websites for clients and Tilda was a life‑changing experience for me because I can now explore my creativity, do things much more freely, test my limits, my design, and what I want to do for my clients.

Valeria Francis
Freelance Web Designer
Industry: Web Design
Location: Greece
Valeria Francis
As an agency that prides itself on standing out from the crowd, we wanted so much to happen on the website —animation, scrolling, and scrolling behaviors — and all of that was just unachievable with some other platforms. And Tilda really helped us to deliver that.

Lee Sanders
Creative Lead at Frank
Industry: PR
Location: UK
What I like about Tilda is that it is both a builder and a guide to building appealing web pages. When you develop a web page using code, you tend to stay in your own mind. Creating a page out of Tilda blocks challenges you to think about your value and your offer.

Frank Adebiaye
Work designer and founder of Velvetyne Type Foundry
Industry: Type design
Location: France
Tilda is much easier than other website builders. And you can do pretty much everything with Zero Block. Animation and responsiveness as well as new features for creating gradients and blurry backgrounds are impressive, you never have to go into the code again!

Simon Wijers
Web Designer at SW designs
Industry: Design & Branding
Location: The Netherlands
Why I love Tilda? Not only is it easy for me to create and build, and it gives me quite a bit of power, but it really is nice when I turn it over to the client and I feel good that they’re going to be able to use it and grow and develop with it.

Robby Fowler
Branding and Marketing Strategist, robbyf.com & The Brand ED Podcast
Industry: Marketing
Location: US
Robby Fowler
Creating a landing page on Tilda allowed us to save a pretty decent amount of money because we didn’t have to hire designers. And from a business point of view, Tilda is a very complete system: It’s user-friendly, accessible, affordable, and very efficient.

Stella Friaisse
Partnership Developer at Fe/male Switch
Industry: Education
Location: Malta
When it comes to a marketing website or landing page, our design team makes use of Tilda. It’s super handy because we can create and test our ideas in mere hours, we feel free in creativity, 'cause it’s possible to implement everything that we want without any limits.

Victorya Antonovich
Design Lead at Paralect
Industry: IT Services & IT Consulting
Location: US
  • Marcus Triest
    Head of Product / Freelance Product Designer, marcustriest.com
    As a UI/UX designer, I use Tilda to build everything from personal, client, and work websites. What I really fell in love with was how easily I could get websites pixel-perfect against my wireframes. Tilda is powerful enough that I can be a one-man shop and still move fast, without needing a full product, marketing, or engineering team, and that has a measurable impact on delivery speed and costs.
  • Tanya Rozanes Olevsky
    Content Specialist & Founder of LinguaCom Studio linguacom.studio
    Tilda has been an escape for me from being dependent on other professionals to shape the content and design of my webpage. Now I am in control of all the elements, thanks to Tilda's simple and clear design and very comprehensible library of tutorials and step-by-step explanations of how to operate a website. My project is very dynamic, which requires updating the content often. I am happy that now I can do it independently and without a huge time investment.
  • Christina Steinbrecher-Pfandt
    web3 entrepreneur, steinbrecherpfandt.art
    I am an entrepreneur in the web3 space and a regular speaker in the art & tech space. I have chosen Tilda to do my personal page, it was easy and had the best customer support.
  • Angela Hollowell
    Visual Storyteller, angelahollowell.com & Ang H. Studio
    Since starting my creative business in 2016, we've grown a reputation built on crafting a memorable client experience. When I was looking to create a website that does the same, Tilda was the perfect fit. Building a website with intuitive design elements makes customization and maintenance a breeze. The integrations are the cherry on top!
  • Jeremy Caplan
    Creator | Director of Teaching and Learning, Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
    As a journalist and educator, I appreciate that it's easy to help others make a site with Tilda. It's easy to start by scrolling through the library of templates to find a starting point. Then you can pick pre-designed blocks for images, text, and videos, without having to learn HTML or know anything about coding. It's like stacking digital lego blocks.
  • Lee Sanders
    Creative Lead, Frank PR
    As an agency that prides itself on standing out from the crowd, we wanted so much to happen on the website—animation, scrolling, and scrolling behaviors—and all of that was just unachievable with some other platforms. Tilda really helped us to deliver that. And also it made it quite easy: There are pre-made parts that can now be changed and done without needing to pay for a web developer or a designer.
  • Jan Mráz
    Head of Product Design, Atheros
    Tilda provides a very easy and fast way for building websites also for people with less web design experience. In comparison with other website builders, Tilda has really intuitive design features, which are supported by various templates, boosting the design process as well. Definitely, I recommend this solution not only to small individual projects but also to businesses.
  • Simon Wijers
    Web Designer, SW designs
    I’m a freelance web designer and I use Tilda for all my client projects. I've tried many other builders but none of them worked exactly the way I would want them to or had limits in what they could offer. Tilda has made my design workflow easier and, more importantly, more fun. I love the freedom that you have as a designer, even without touching the code! You are not limited in what you can do, and that is a great thing!
  • Andy Page
    Executive Director, Forge
    We're a non-profit tech skill school and use Tilda for our website, hosting some of our curriculum for students, and also tools for our instructors. Tilda has been a game-changer for us. It allows our team to quickly spin up new web pages, make edits, and ship new programs. We left WordPress for Tilda and after being with Tilda for 2 years, I don't ever want to go back.
  • Mike Badura
    Founder, Skillspace
    When I first discovered Tilda two years ago I was immediately delighted by the simplicity of use, minimalism, and quality of templates. Today I'm creating websites for all my clients on Tilda: after a few minutes of working with the platform, they can easily edit content and create new sections themselves, and I no longer receive emails with questions about plugins or template updates as I did with other website builders. This is amazing!
  • Juan C. Jaramillo (jaywrkr)
    Creative Director at minervo
    What Tilda made me fall in love with is the personalization capacity. Basically, Tilda gives you everything to create your website or e-commerce in a second, but it also allows you to play with creativity in an intuitive way.
  • Robby Fowler
    Branding and Marketing Strategist, robbyf.com & The Brand ED Podcast
    I built my first website in 2001. Since then I've used countless platforms and website builders for customer websites and my own business. Tilda is the perfect combination of ease of use with powerful features at an unbeatable value. I love Tilda for my coaching, consulting, and speaker clients. I teach them how to create their Tilda websites and grow their business. They create their amazing website fast and can easily maintain it without having to depend on an expensive designer or developer.
  • TechRadar
    With Tilda you have the power to fully customise your website. Tilda is a very nice website builder and is perfectly suited for people who like to understand how their system works by essentially connecting all the dots themselves. Yes, Tilda can help you create very simple sites with very little input from the site owner, but its power does lie in its customisation features, which are very good indeed.
  • Violetta Shishkina
    Co-founder and CEO of CADChain and Fe/male Switch
    These days, you don't need technical skills to create a landing page that best represents your company. My team and I opted for Tilda – a solution that turned out to be a super effective and convenient tool for our startup. Tilda has helped us create snazzy-looking pages that clearly convey our mission to the audience. With Tilda, you can connect all kinds of plugins, payment systems and optimize your SEO, which will make your business life a tad bit easier. Built-in analytics and a CRM system are perfect in the beginning stages of your business when you have to multitask all the time.
  • Mitchell Cuevas
    Product, Techstars
    I've built and/or managed hundreds of different websites in my career with what seems like just as many different tools, platforms, and content management systems. Within 10 minutes of using Tilda, I knew it was the best builder and editor I had ever used. I'm building almost all my new websites, landing pages, and micro-sites on Tilda. The speed with which you can launch a new site and edit it for your stakeholders is incredible, plus everything about the interface is intuitive.
  • Igor Krasnik
    We’ve tried different website builders and Tilda is one of the most powerful tools out there. It’s really easy to launch and support projects, integrate them with third-party services, use custom code, online forms, and CRM to get high-quality results – these are our criteria, which Tilda fully meets. On top of that, Tilda allows teamwork. It’s like Figma for web design!
  • Mary Lyubimtseva
    Digital Marketing Project Manager at IIDF
    Tilda was a solution for us when we ran out of time to update our site - when working with a service contractor, you depend on their schedule and pace. We accelerated the launch of new web pages, saved time and resources on hiring a designer and developer. Thanks to Tilda, we quickly made a new landing page and increased our enrollment conversion rate by 3x. A great solution for quick hypothesis testing in a startup or large company.
  • Irina Kudryashova
    Marketing Projects Manager at Redmadrobot
    Tilda has saved us a lot of time and effort. We use the platform for everything - project presentations, product websites, corporate mailing lists, and everything in between. We love it because it is intuitive, beautiful, any fantasy is feasible, and you don't have to pay thousands of dollars for it.
  • Oleksii Pedosenko
    Former Head of PR at Depositphotos
    Anyone who wants to take their company's content marketing to the next level should try Tilda at least once. You'll forget how you used to spend weeks creating a decent landing page and working with a designer, developer, and tester. Tilda's unbelievably awesome.
  • Anastasia Leonova
    Digital Designer at Shishki Agency
    Tilda is the most convenient, friendly, and multifunctional website builder for those who care about further site development, promotion, analytics, and easy content management. I'm very glad that the functionality and design features are being constantly updated. Step-by-step animation made Tilda even better. Keep moving and be brave!
  • Pavel Tarelkin
    Co-fonuder and CEO at Uplab
    Tilda is great for content-oriented projects with a small budget, where you need to show beautiful photos, portfolios, and cases. One of the most important reasons for choosing Tilda is that the site is easily maintained by the customer.
  • Maria Stashenko
    Founder, Wonderfull lab
    We decided to give up developing a website in a web studio when we tried Tilda. At that point, all of us, our entire team became "developers", each of us could connect to the page editor.
  • Julia Mironova
    Head of Web Design at Stroganov Academy
    Tilda is a flexible and user-friendly website builder, even for inexperienced users, with an extensive range of tools for developing both landing pages and multi-page sites of various levels of complexity. I included Tilda in the educational program because it is a great help in understanding the entire range of principles of creating web applications for design students. In fact, it's an interactive visual aid that adapts to each student's individual tasks and fits perfectly into the Triple E educational framework.
  • Vsevolod Pulya
    Editor-in-Chief, Russia Beyond
    Tilda has made it possible to include multimedia stories into the daily routines of our editors. We don't have to bring together designers, programmers, and journalists anymore—if you have good content, you just make a beautiful story yourself.
  • Stas Polyakov
    Former Art director at Yandex
    An amazingly simple service to quickly put together a landing page, long-form article, or portfolio site and publish it right away. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to use it. It's really handy to put blocks together and see how everything works right away. You don't need to know how to code, you just have to imagine what you want to get and assemble it on the fly.
  • Alex Ivashchenko
    Leader and strategist at Svoemedia
    I started making websites on the Tilda website builder back in 2014. Back then it was a real visual breakthrough: it felt like I had touched art, and I couldn't believe to the end that it would become so accessible. Now, with Svoemedia, creating websites on Tilda has become a full-fledged area of our business and our favorite CMS.
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