Frequently asked questions General Questions

How do I set up a mask for a phone number?

How do I set up a mask for a phone number?

To make a mask, open the "Content" panel of the block containing a form, add a field type "One line input field" and set it up (mask):

How to set up a mask:

9 - only digits: 0-9 (visitors won’t be able to enter another symbol, for example, a letter)

a - only letters: A-Z, a-z (visitors won't be able to enter another symbol, for example, a digit)

* - any symbol: A-Z, a-z, 0-9


Date: 99/99/9999

Phone number: (9999) 999-999999

Card number: 9999-9999-9999-9999

Second option: auto-masking using the country code. For more information, visit:

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