Frequently asked questions Page Editing

How do I create anchor links?

How do I create anchor links?

Anchors allow visitors to quickly jump to a specific block of a web page.

To insert an anchor link pointing to a certain block within a page:

  • Add block T173 (available in the blocks library "Other" category).
  • Add a title of the anchor such as "contacts".
  • Refer to it in any block by adding a link that looks like this: #contacts. Whenever a visitor clicks the link, she will be taken to the anchored block.

To ensure that anchor links are functional everywhere, link them to /#anchor (for anchor links on the Home page) and /page#anchor (for anchor links on other pages).

For a smooth scrolling effect, add block T178 from the "Other" category. You don't need to change any settings. Add only one T178 block per page. This will ensure smooth internal link transitions.

If you have a fixed menu and you don't want it to obscure anchor linked content, set an indent equal to the height of your menu in T178 block. Menu will no longer obscure your anchor linked content.

More about anchor links:

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