The "A problem repeatedly occurred" error in Safari on iPhone
The "A problem repeatedly occurred" error in Safari on iPhone
This problem is on Safari developers' side. When zooming in and scrolling, the browser re-renders the page, that is, deletes the elements, re-opens the source code, reads it, and redraws the elements. The same is the process when we first access the page — the browser loads the website source code and builds the page using it.
If the page is re-drawn often, the task becomes too heavy at some moment, and for safety (to avoid freezing) the browser "kills" the page.
Zooming in or scrolling the page, reloading the page repeatedly, and other heavy-to-complete actions lead to this.
To solve the problem, we recommend you decrease the amount of website content: blocks, graphics, animations, third-party code. This can make your website more lightweight and it will be difficult to get the browser overloaded.
This error is also possible when the memory of the phone (both storage and RAM) is full: the browser cannot delete and redraw the elements in one and the same moment. Some part is always kept in the phone's cache "just in case". The more often you complete heavy actions, the bigger the cache is, and at some moment a memory can be full, which will also lead to this error.