Frequently asked questions Data Capture Forms

How do I add contacts from forms to UniSender?

How do I add contacts from forms to UniSender?

  1. Copy the API access key from your UniSender account.
  2. In your Tilda account, go to Site settings → Forms → UniSender.
  3. Paste the UniSender API key.
  4. Enter the lD of the list to which data should be added.
  5. Confirm or skip the step "Assign service to all forms on the website?".
  6. If you skipped the previous step, go to the web page Editor, open the Content panel of the block containing the form and select UniSender as a Form data receiver service.
  7. Publish all pages.
  8. Go back to UniSender and configure the Opt-in and Opt-out tools.

Learn more about adding contacts to a UniSender list:

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