How do I add a digit group separator?
Examples below require knowledge of Javascript and CSS. Tilda Customer Support does not assist in code-related questions.
To add a digit group separator to a calculator form, you need to add a T123 block from the “Other” category, use this:
function tcalc__changeVal(a, e, t) {
To add a digit group separator in the products price (for example, in an ST200 block), use this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.each($("div.js-product-price"), function() {
var thisClass = $(this).attr("class");
var thisPrice = parseInt($(this).text()).toLocaleString("ru-RU");
$(this).css("display", "none");
$(this).before("<div class='" + thisClass + "'>" + thisPrice + "</div>");
ru-RU — to add a space separator;
en-US — to add a comma separator
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