Frequently asked questions Custom Code

How do I change the language of the shopping cart (total)?

How do I change the language of the shopping cart (total)?

Examples below require knowledge of Javascript and CSS. Tilda Customer Support does not assist in code-related questions.

At the moment, only 2 languages are available for the shopping cart: English and Russian. The text language of the shopping cart depends on the language of your browser. To change it, insert the following code in the T123 block from the “Other” category:

$(document).ready(() => {
$('.t706__cartwin-prodamount-label, .t706__cartwin-totalamount-label').html('Gesamtsumme:&nbsp;');

This code allows you to replace the “total” text.

If you need to replace Subtotal that appears when changing delivery options, insert also the following code:

$(document).ready(() => {
$("[name='Delivery']").parent().click(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
var subtotal = $(".t706__cartwin-totalamount-info").html();
$(".t706__cartwin-totalamount-info").html(subtotal.replace("Subtotal", "Zwischensumme").replace("Сумма", "Zwischensumme"));
}, 5);

This code allows you to replace the “subtotal” text .

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