Frequently asked questions Online Store

How to add subcategories for products from the Product Catalog?

How to add subcategories for products from the Product Catalog?

There is no option to divide categories into additional subcategories in the Product Catalog. However, subcategories can be designed visually on your website page.

To make it possible, you can create several pages and add navigation between them. For such a case, it is convenient to use the “Breadcrumbs” navigation block. It is located in the "Menu" category of the block library — ME605.

For instance, you sell shoes in your online store. You have the “Sneakers” category in your Product Catalog. You can show this category on a separate page by adding the ME605 block with menu items, as on the screenshot below.

Each item on the screenshot is a separate page of your website where the corresponding product categories from the Product Catalog are shown. We have explained how categories are created in this guide:

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