The Public Speaking School
Upoming set – 5 June-5 July. Learn more about the Course
Practice your bold and confident public speaking techniques
Our students get rid of the fear of public speaking and learn how to charge the interest of the audience. Our coaches helps them to learn techniques to get rid of the fear of performing. Learn how to present the topic correctly, develop best presentations, find quick answers to unexpected questions, improvise and convince the viewer.
Video invitation to a Course of Public Speaking from Yes.say school
Couch and supervisor — Eugenia Danilina
What you will learn

Speaking freely in front of a large amount of people
You need to learn how to manage your fears, expectations, sense of the moment. Our teachers will teach you techniques of concentration, which will help to build an exciting story and keep the audience.

Learn methods of influencing your audience
Depending on your goals at the performance, you can control the attention of others with your voice, facial expressions, gestures, tactics. Our teachers will teach you how to use different resources to influence the audience.

Defend your point of view at meetings and interviews
This is very important for business meetings, when making deals, even during an interviews. Learn to speak confidently, navigate the context quickly, stay concentrated in an unfamiliar situation.

The program
Classes lasting a month, from June 5 to July 5. Three times a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 08 am-10:30 pm
  • 1 week
    Voice training
    We will analyze the timbres of the voice and their impact, analyze the speech of other successful speakers, learn to understand their capabilities.
  • 2 weeks
    The analysis of the text
    We will learn how to parse and write texts for presentations. It is correct to make them, correctly to comprehend for further work with it,the alphabet of the text
  • 2 weeks
    Style of presentation
    Discuss the styles of performances. We study the possibilities of temperament, voice and different styles of doing presentation.
  • 3 weeks
    Work on your diction. We learn to Express our thoughts in words clearly, to choose understandable language turns depending on the audience.
  • 3 weeks
    Stage fright
    We learn to tune in for long performances, to focus your attention correctly and practice a lot. 4 classes on the scene.
  • 4 weeks
    We practice speaking to a large number of people, using new knowledge and skills gained in practice before.
Register for the next set. It starts on June 5 – July 5
The cost of all training is $300 until May, 20 only. The full price – $530
In a few weeks you will be able to hold a presentation or a meeting on a completely new level. You will be surprised at your capabilities and learn how to effectively achieve this goal
Our couches
Teacher of stage speech in HSE
Eugenia Danilina
Member of the Union of theatre workers of Australia, business coach since 2014. Among Eugenia's students there are more than 150 graduates of large companies: project managers, large stakeholders, startup owners. On the year she teaches speech and techniques of speech and movement.
The development of speaking and psychology
Dmitry Schwarts
An expert in the preparation of speakers for the international Ted conference, the course will tell you all about working with the audience, about the presentation of the material, how to Express and protect your ideas and thoughts, capture the audience and achieve the desired goal.
A gallery of our classes and performances acting on practice
Alexander Kulikov —coach speaker of the team at the seminar on gestures. Video credit at the left side: Bibliothèque publique d'information
Teacher directions Stage speech, Mickael Linzoi
Working in groups and couples, public speaking — a very important part of the class.
Students have practices in the Studio and the hall for presentations
Sign up for the course
Leave your contacts and choose the type of classes. We will connect with you to confirm your participation in the program.
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Video reviews of our students
It's nice to hear how you've been upgraded, how you support each other and inspire the rest of the school students
Anna Wilson
Business consultant at CROCO.CO. Anna came in order to improve skills of negotiations and engagement of the audience.
Johan Mironovsky
Ivan is a developer and taskmanager in the field of software development for online trading. I came to communicate more clearly with the team and partners at all stages of development.
Where our classes are held
  • Studio address
    Perth, Linear Avenue, tower 15A
    Classes are held in the conference room of the coworking LINEUP. There is a 10-storey building on Linear Avenue, 10 minutes along from the metro.
  • How to get
    Walk for 10 minutes from the subway Linsky to the center of the city. The convenient check-in from the road ring car. Free Parking is available.
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