every saturday
St. Petersburg Sightseeing Excursion in English
  • Meeting point
    The Arts Square, near the monument to A.S. Pushkin
  • Time
    The excursion starts at 12:00 PM
    Duration — 3 hours
  • Cost
    Regular ticket — $7
    Concessionary ticket — $60
  • Excursion group
    Groups of up to 15 people
    Children 5+ welcome
A walking excursion to the center of St.Peterburg is a great way to get to know the city. The excursion is in English. You will learn about the famous architecture, monuments, streets, gardens, and parks. The excursion is conducted by Maria Pollock, an accredited guide and candidate of historical sciences.
The Arts Square
The beginning of the excursion. We will get acquainted, and you will learn about the ensemble of the square, the Mikhailovsky Square, and the history of its occurrence.
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood
We will pass along the Griboedov Channel to the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood. Maria will tell you about the assassination attempt on Alexander II and about the Cathedral.
Summer Garden
We will walk along the river Moika to the Summer Garden, walk around the park ensemble, and you will learn about the history of the formation and development of the Summer Garden, sculptures, and landscapes.
Palace Square
Palace Square is the main square of St. Petersburg. You will learn about its ensemble: monuments of history and culture of federal significance: the Winter Palace, Guard Headquarters Building, the General Staff Building, the Triumphal Arch, and the Alexander Column.
Bronze Horseman
By Admiralteiskaya embankment, we will go to the final point of our sightseeing excursion — the monument to Peter I. Mary will tell about the Alexander Garden and the Senate Square.
Excursion Route
In addition to the main points of the program, Maria will tell about the interim monuments of architecture and the history of the city
Maria Pollock
Accredited guide, candidate of historical sciences
Maria graduated from the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University. Maria writes a historical column in the online magazine "History" and conducts excursions around St. Petersburg for over 9 years.
Excursion Reviews
Book a ticket for St. Petersburg sightseeing excursion
Excursions are held every Saturday. Concessionary ticket discount is valid upon presentation of supporting documents
Your name
Your email address
Number of participants (up to 15)
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