Technical Information about Websites Built on Tilda

Does Tilda Provide Hosting Services?

We do not offer web hosting services nor electronic computing functionality, we offer a service that helps you create a website and publish it on the Internet. You won't be able to access the server via FTP, install third-party software on the server, or create a database. With Tilda, you don't need to do it. The website is hosted in the cloud and all the settings required for the website to work are applied automatically (for example, robots.txt and sitemap.xml files creation) or adjusted manually in the personal account (connecting HTTPS, configuring redirect, etc.).

How Is My Website Protected from DDoS?

Sometimes competitors may try to make your site inaccessible or disrupt normal traffic by launching a DDoS attack. DDoS is a distributed attack on the website to affect its availability.

We took care of this and used the services of a professional company whose tools analyze all requests to your website. If a DDoS attack is suspected, suspicious requests are temporarily blocked, which reduces the probability of an attack to zero.

How Will My Website Load Worldwide?

For your website to load quickly from anywhere in the world, we use the Content Delivery Network (CDN). This is how it works: Important website resources (JS libraries, CSS files, and images) are duplicated on servers all over the world, and the nearest and fastest server is chosen automatically when your visitors access the website.

Our CDN provider has around 100 points of presence worldwide. In total, there are 5 500 servers around the world, ensuring fast downloads from anywhere.

Where Are Tilda's Partner Servers Located?

Tilda is a complex distributed system. Therefore, there is no single location where all platform servers and resources are concentrated. To ensure the smooth and stable operation of the platform, the hosting partners' servers are distributed around the world.

Tilda offers a variety of built-in services, most of which are duplicated in multiple locations simultaneously.

It should also be noted that there are servers of Tilda's partners that provide DNS and content distribution services via CDN, filter traffic, and so on. Each service has its own large fleet of filtering or presence points, which are also distributed around the world.

When you visit a website, you first connect to one of the main servers, whose information is simultaneously duplicated at several points.
From them, the main HTML code of the website is loaded. Then, using CDN, JS libraries, styles, and images are downloaded from the server closest to you.

For example, if you are in the United States or European countries, you will be connected to the European server. For technical optimization purposes, the website may be simultaneously duplicated on other servers in other locations. In this case, personal data collected from the website will be stored according to the requirements of data localization legislation.

Data centers where the servers are located comply with the international TIER III standards. That is, the security of your website’s data is of the highest level.

Where Are the Website Visitors' Personal Data Stored?

The data coming from the online forms are sent at once to the data capture services connected to the forms. Before being sent, they are cached on the European server for some time to allow for error checking in the "Leads" menu or for resubmission.

Once submitted, the data is cached on the server for as long as you specify in the settings: By default, this is one month, but you can reduce it to one day or delete the data immediately. Once the specified period has expired, the cached data is deleted and cannot be recovered.

These settings and caching terms allow Tilda's policy to comply with personal data protection legislation, including GDPR.

Can HTTPS Be Added to Tilda Websites?

You can add HTTPS to your domain for all Tilda websites. This is a built-in feature that can be configured in the Site Settings after connecting a custom domain. All IPs are set up to work with HTTPS. The system subdomains at have the SSL certificate automatically added.

Create Secure Websites on Tilda

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