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700+ ICONS / 47 SETS!

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Icons are free to use both for personal and commercial projects. You are required to attribute the icons to Tilda Publishing by writing "Icons are provided by Tilda Publishing" and insert the following hyperlink: Read the detailed License agreement.
1 set
Book, hourglass, purse, list, brain, lightbulb, timer, glasses, teacher, flask, location, phone, flipchart, group, cup, mail, hat, calendar, discount, speaker
Icons "Education"
2 set
Handsfree, hat, magnifying glass, globe, calendar, target, blocs, star, notebook, armchair, video, webcam, speedometer, bubbles, mail, purse, phone, speaker, hourglass, presentation
Icons "Webinar"
3 set
Store, cart, discount, bag, card, recycling, woman, man, kid, round-the-clock, money, box, van, 100%, hand, mail, phone, map, calculator
Icons "Store"
4 set
Wedding agency
Arch, bride, groom, ring, flowers, dress, photo camera, calendar, location, cake, invitation, fireworks, glasses, priest, heart, mail, notebook, video camera, music, microphone
Icons "Wedding agency"
5 set
Event agency
Air balloons, present, cake, invitation, disco, video camera, music, cocktail, microphone, magic, sun, ping pong, medal, grill, pair, location, phone, mail, calendar, smile
Icons "Event agency"
6 set
Beauty salon
Mirror, dryer, leaf, mascara, blade, girl, perfume, drop, eye, scissors, nail polish, sun, certificate, accessories, brush, location, mail, discount, phone, cup
Icons "Beauty salon"
7 set
Cup, takeaway cup, jezve, croissant, menu, wi-fi, music, round-the-clock, tea bag, bag, burger, coffee machine, coffee shop, waiter, terrace, map, notebook, mail, reservation, phone
Icons "Cafe"
8 set
Yoga class
Mat, lotus, concentration, shower, joss stick, yin and yang, fire, cardio, Ganesha, bindi, tree, asana, t-shirt, Buddha, ohm, phone, mail, location, money, discount
Icons "Yoga class"
9 set
Travel agency
Coins, directions, plain, bus, document, reward, operator, smile, moneybox, card, case, hotel, medicine, insurance, ticket, discount, group, guide, mail, phone, globe
Icons "Travel agency"
10 set
Computer, lamp, bubble, key, printer, safe, thermometer, hotplate, sofa, puzzle, window, socket, flip chart, parking, rocket, mail, phone, location, week, group
Icons "Co-working"
11 set
Music lover, calendar, guitar, piano keyboard, horn, house, metronome, ear, notes, note, microphone, clock, man, G clef, rock, diploma, phone, purse, mail, location
Icons "Music"
12 set
Fitness centre
Trainer, timetable, apple, scales, treadmill, barbell, jump rope, boxing glove, swimming pool, location, sport nutrition, towel, safe, shower, card, mail, discount, phone, purse, kid, group, doctor, kimono, sun, cosmetics
Icons "Fitness centre"
13 set
Photo studio
Round-the-clock, soft box, room, drop, cyclorama, mail, cup, calendar, card, money, mirror, photo camera, processing, van, images, arch, video camera, lightbox, location, phone
Icons "Photo studio"
14 set
Man, couple, bed, group, breakfast, round-the-clock, conditioner, bath, stars, map, washing machine, parking, bus, soap, money, safe, wi-fi, stars, mail, phone
Icons "Hostel"
15 set
Real estate
Water tap, key, installation, forest, garage, search, increase, plan, locker, house, duplex, tools, document, leaf, helmet, infrastructure, phone, notebook, coins, man, barbell, location, shop, discount
Icons "Real estate"
16 set
Calendar, location, speaker, hourglass, handshake, presentation, bubbles, microphone, ticket, free, timetable, hall, video camera, sections, rocket, group, hotel, map, phone, mail
Icons "Conference"
17 set
Kids education
Care, palette, bus, camera, medicine box, speech training, psychology, apples, languages, certificate, light bulb, open doors, kid, computer, test, balloons, tent, calendar, purse, puzzle, location, bubbles, bell, hat, swimming pool
Icons "Kids education"
18 set
Video production
Clapperboard, video presentation, film, vector graphic, 3d, lifestream, sound design, video report, video camera, quadcopter, calendar, player, frame, idea, tape
Icons "Video production"
19 set
SEO, design, social networks, copywriting, keywords, online store, cart, analytics, mail, search, target, target audience, strategy, funnel system, video, development
Icons "Advertising"
20 set
Doctor, ambulance, home, stethoscope, microscope, hospital, tooth, plastic surgery, scalpel, medical note, cardiogram, flask, medical syringe, pacifier, pregnancy
Icons "Medicine"
21 set
Key, roller, palette knife or scraper, tiles, electricity, tube, saw, ruler, baths, balcony, dismantling, design, calculator, star, guarantee, plan, document, calendar, van, hammer
Icons "Renovation"
22 set
Basketball, football, tennis, gymnastics, hockey, skis, skates, baseball, volleyball, kimono, rugby, snowboard, start, podium, tracker, field, whistle, sneaker, kettlebell, bicycle
Icons "Sport"
23 set
Scissors, shaver, trimming, grooming, kid, razor, cosmetics, wax, certificate, pigmentation, barbershop, tea/coffee, barber, chair, open razor
Icons "Barbershop"
24 set
Bank, coins, payment, stock, crowdfunding, blockchain, transfer, security, mobile bank, money box, signature, exchange, bill, bitcoin, euro, dollar, rouble, discount, purse, card
Icons "Finances"
25 set
Car service
Trade-in, bodywork, spare part, utilisation, vehicle inspection, electricity, tire, engine, climate, carwash, auto customisation, auto painting, oil, axis, transmission
Icons "Car service"
26 set
Social networks
Facebook*, Instagram*, Twitter, Pintrest, Reddit, SnapChat, WhatsApp, YouTube, Tilda, Google, Trumblr, Discord, Groupme, Kik, TikTok, Skype, Telegram, Twitch, Line, WeChat, Trello, PayPal, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Spotify, Behance, Dropbox, Google drive, Slideshare, Slack, Medium, GetHub, Mail, LinkedIn, FS, Flickr, OpenSea, Binance, Dribbble
26 set
Social networks
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest, Reddit, SnapChat, WhatsApp, YouTube, Tilda, Google, Trumblr, Discord, Groupme, Kik, TikTok, Skype, Telegram, Twitch, Line, WeChat, Trello, PayPal, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Spotify, Behance, Dropbox, Google drive, Slideshare, Slack, Medium, GetHub, Mail, LinkedIn, FS, Flickr, OpenSea, Binance, Dribbble
Icons "Social networks"
*The company Meta Platforms Inc. that owns the social networks Facebook and Instagram, according to a court decision of March 21, 2022 recognized as an extremist organization, its activities on the territory of Russia is prohibited.
27 seT
Arrow, check, criss-cross, bomb, star, point in outlines and black colour filled
Icons "Bullets"
28 SET
Scales, inscribed gavel, lawyer, judge, safety, consulting, controversy, bankruptcy, family, question, mulct, liquidation, contract, case, man
Иконки «Пункты»
29 SET
Tattoo studio
tattoo machine, cosmetics, piercing, paint, tattoo, knife, heart, cover-up, needle, grip, gloves, sterility, mehendi, creme, certificate, pen, pencil, eye, permanent, makeup, diamond, remove
Иконки «Пункты»
30 SET
System icons
Download, upload, gear, settings, question, save, disc, sound, cloud, reload, warning, link, play, stop, bluetooth, folder, desktop, tablet, phone, lock, unlock, battery, trash
Иконки «Пункты»
31 SET
Blank, paper, svg, doc, pdf, jpg, zip, mp4, mp3, mov, png, avi, gif, psd, ai, rar, html, js, css, php, txt

Иконки «Пункты»
32 SET
Director, manager, PR, advertising, marketer, financier, book-keeper, IT, programmer, developer, seller, sell, analyst, analyze, loader, box, delivery, delivery-man, driver, taxi, cook, restaurant, janitor, mess, rubbish, clean, questions, consulting, consultant, talk, conversation, answer, builder, worker, support, lawyer, attorney, teacher, professor, doc, doctor
Иконки «Пункты»
33 set
Interior design studio
List, materials, brick, case, wardrobe, key, setting, plan, stanza, couch, sofa, buy, furniture, flat, example, guide, colour, choose, office, lamp, kitchen, bed, hanger, case, electricity, light, engineering, watch, eye, house, draft, project, conception, balcony, 3D, ruler, measurement, plan, bathroom, shower
Иконки «Пункты»
34 set
Veterinary clinic
animal, cat, meow, pet, chip, spy, follow, bug, clinic, hospital, dog-house, dog, veterinary, ambulance, car, exhibition, bone, prize, grooming, scissors, comb, hamster, rodent, clinic, hospital, dog-house, hotel, guard, footprint, injury, patch, heal, analysis, microbe, lab, survey, stethoscope, toy, ball, game, veterinary, footprint, paw
Иконки «Пункты»
35 set
St. Valentine's day
Black, red and white vectors

Heart, arrow, calendar, 14, envelope, bow, broken, half, flower, candle, talk, speech, chat, dialog, lock, present, box, thought, pigeons, love, glasses, wine, cinema, film, balloon, boy, card, ring, fireworks, location, meeting, date, phone, message, cups, coffee, cocoa, tea, girl
Иконки «Пункты»
36 set
Armed Forces Day
anchor, sea, navy, marine, star, calendar, infantry, sword, flower, present, ribbon, striped, stripe, medal, sign, combat, decoration, cosmos, rocket, space, forces, flag, victory, airpower, wings, plane, forces, parachute, army
Иконки «Пункты»
37 set
Brain, AI, artificial, integrity, robot, bot, ATM, money, cash, big, data, database, crypto, currency, bitcoin, crypto, currency, bitcoin, cash, bitcoin, currency, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain, chip, cloud, service, people, crowdfunding, Ethereum, Ripple, growth, diagram, eye, scan, identification, mining, mobile, transfer, send, bag, sack, saving, grow, revenue, head, planning, process, secure, unicorn, web, desktop, internet
Иконки «Пункты»
38 set
Cleaning services
bucket, bubbles, clean, wash, shine, house, deep cleaning, shine, dishwashing, dishes, plate, cup, armchair, clear, dry, furniture, eco, leaf, drop, housekeeper, iron, press, ironing, star, hand, quality, guarantee, spanner, screwdriver, repair, house, protection, guarantee, security, spray, cleanser, steam, generator, broom, sweep, trash, container, mess, vacuum, cleaner, dust, window, washer, washing, machine,
Иконки «Пункты»
SET 39
Printing Service
Booklet, paper, text, sewn, bound, bounding, book, books, cover, brochure, sheets, calendar, scissors, finishing, formats, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, letterpress, print, press, notebook, planner, box, packaging, prepress, bleeds, screw, silkscreen, spiral, sticker, visit, card
Иконки «Пункты»
SET 40
IT company
A/B, test, lead, landing, page, adaptive, mobile, screen, megaphone, promotion, diagram, graph, analytics, animation, layers, circles, move, app, application, code, app, application, tag, star, box, identity, design, vector, anchor, point, bag, shop, online, store, buy, lightning, effective, picture, graphic, penсcil, draw, research, eye, browser, bulb, light, idea, CTA, button, click, hand, link, share, prototype, web, scenario, text, paper, startup, company, rocket, structure, map, target, audience, tech, tuning, support, video, player, site, coding, target, audience, game, developing
Иконки «Пункты»
SET 41
Breakfast, croissant, tea, cup, calendar, check-in, check-out, date, air, conditioner, climate, control, couple, two, people, family, three, people, hairdryer, dry, key, room, entrance, lobster, dinner, plate, case, luggage, bag, bed, suite, room, no smoking, no, smoke, kids, room, game, dinosaur, receptionist, hostess, doorman, man, person, taxi, car, transfer, tv, screen, cleaning, wash, wipe, spray
Иконки «Пункты»
SET 42
Вreakfast, croissant, tea, cup, burger, hamburger, candle, chicken, music, melody, cocktail, alcohol, glass, chef, cook, moustache, dessert, sweet, ice-cream, apple, fruit, dish, plate, knife, fork, delivery, fruits, apple, table, chair, furniture, khinkali, meat, caucasian, wine, card, menu, online, order, phone, pasta, spaghetti, pizza, fish, seafood, soup, spicy, pepper, sushi, asian, taco, mexican, teapot, tea, drink, eco, leaf, fork, waiter, food, service
Иконки «Пункты»
SET 43
Time, hours, box, boxes, storage, envelope, track, way, barcode, code, hangar, warehouse, conveyor, dynamic, increase, send, delivery, shipping, van, stuff, package, loading, shipment, container, ship, cart, pushcart, transportation, sending, man, arrows, operator, logistician, plane, payment, money, purchase, selling, list, plan
Иконки «Образование»
SET 44
Sight, India, temple, backpack, luggage, bag, bag, luggage, case, palm, beach, sea, bicycle, bike, wheel, car, vehicle, bus, vehicle, public transport, compass, aqualung, diving, swim, earth, globe, world, fire, bonfire, funicular, air-balloon, aerostat, sphinx, Egypt, kayaking, canoe, mountain, picture, museum, frame, document, passport, camera, photo, plane, fly, jesus, rio, Brasil, site, navigator, map, phone, France, Paris, Eiffel Tower, Rome, Italy, site, colosseum, ship, sea, surf, surfing, wave, train, public transport, tent, trekking, tree, trees, hiking
Иконки «Образование»
SET 45
Team building, case, business, event, celebrate, child, kid, route, way,answer, riddle, ghost, monster, character, fear, city, vr, virtual, reality, thought, think, mask, actor, play, question, present, certificate, labyrinth, challenge, difficulty, easy, middle, complicated, brain, intellect, location, place, phone, number, calendar, date, phone, quest
Иконки «Образование»
SET 46
Christmas/New Year
Box, present, letter, envelope, invitation, calendar, 31, 25, day, date, tag, discount, holiday, celebration, glasses, party, Christmas tree, spruce, snowflake, snow, branch, globe, glass, toy, decor, sled, slide, rocket, fireworks, fire, garland, holly, berries, symbol, snowman, Christmas stocking, sock, Santa, Santa Claus, beard, clock, midnight, deer, reindeer, animal, mitten, clothes, warmth, melody, note, music, bottle, champagne, lights, garland, bulb, card, postcard, cup, tea, coffee, hot, warm, tangerine, mandarin, fruit, candy, bonbon, certificate, moon, face, mask, carnival
Иконки «Образование»
SET 47
24, hours, round, time, mask, covid-19, protection, app, food, speed, time, fast, route, map, road, safe, safety, box, delivery, barcode, key, car, warehouse, cargo, box, location, courier, person
Иконки «Образование»
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Icons are free to use both for personal and commercial projects. You are required to attribute the icons to Tilda Publishing by writing "Icons are provided by Tilda Publishing" and insert the following hyperlink: Read the detailed License agreement.
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Made with
by Tilda team
Illustrators: Dasha Litovchenko, Nastya Lundovskaya, Yana Plustcheva, Julia Zass, Vasily Lukyanov
© Tilda Publishing. All rights reserved, 2017–2024.
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